Are You Broken?

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IMG_1455“The LORD is near to the heartbroken And He saves those who are crushed in spirit (contrite in heart, truly sorry for their sin).” PSALM‬ ‭34:18‬ ‭AMP‬

Imagine your own child committing treason against you and trying to steal your Kingdom. This was the situation King David found himself in as he wrote this verse.

Like the rest of us, David was human. He often wrote from the depth of despair. I have always admired David’s honesty with God. It reminds me that I can be honest with Him too. No need for games. After all, He knows my heart. My thoughts are not hidden from Him.

In the midst of his heartache David chose to praise God, rather than blame Him for his circumstances. He began this Psalm by saying, “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” David lived with an attitude of gratitude. He was able to praise God in spite of his pain because he knew, unlike his son, God had not abandoned him.

Nor has He abandoned you. I pray, you will find peace and encouragement today knowing that God is close. He has not left or forgotten you. He sees your pain and He longs to clothe you with compassion and comfort. He understands your anger and confusion. It’s okay to be honest with Him.

The worse thing we can do when we are broken is to isolate ourselves. We need each other. If there is no one you can reach out to, reach out to me!  

PRAY: Father, like David, I choose to bless You at all times. Your praise will continually be in my mouth! Thank You for the promise of Your presence. I know You are with me and I am never alone. Lord, I am broken. Please comfort me and clothe me with compassion. I may not understand my circumstances but I know You love me and Your love will sustain me. Help me to trust You as I walk through this valley. Anoint my spirit with Your oil of gladness. Heal my brokenness Lord. 




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